Saturday, May 18, 2024

Castles 4x6 Art

 Hello and Happy Weekend!
I'll be guest hosting this coming week for Sunday Postcard Art's Castles theme.

Here is my first 4X6 piece. I love these Michelle Ward Green Green Pepper Press castle turret stamps. I stamped them with Versafine Clair ink and colored with Promarkers and Glitter gel pens. I stippled the sky with Speckled Egg Distress ink and added some die cut star shapes I found in my bits and bobs leftover from previous projects. Lastly I edged the piece with a blue Promarker.


Here's an extra 4X6 castle piece I made. I also have this cool Scrollswork castle stamp and I thought it would work nicely with poetic lyrics from Joni Mitchell's song Clouds for Art Journal Journey's Poems theme. 

I've only included one verse here but you can read the entire lyrics HERE.
And I need to add her name to this before I add it to my 4X6 journal album. I wasn't sure I'd have room with the die cut when I typed it out in PSE, so I decided to add it in my own handwriting after I printed it. Then I forgot and took the photos.

I stamped the castle on my masking paper and fussy cut it to apply it prior to inking the background. I also used a Lawn Fawn Puffy Clouds Border die to cut my masking paper to make the bottom clouds, using both the die cut and the top waste. I also masked the sky using MFT Cloud Cover die cuts. Once I had all the masks on, I used a blending brush and Distress inks (Speckled Egg and Peacock Feathers) to ink the background. Then I removed the masks and colored the castle with a variety of colorants: Promarkers, Colored Pencils and Glitter gel pens. Finally, I die cut the lyrics with a Spellbinders Labels die and ran a blue Promarker around the edge before adhering.

Joni Mitchell Clouds
Cinderella's Castle Walt Disney World

Thanks for the visit!


Ellibelle said...

Both are really fabulous with all these great colors and love the cloudy sky on the second card.

PS: I just today saw a comment you left on my blog back in March (it ended up in my spam folder) where you mentioned the Captcha verification. I'm not sure why it came up for you as I never added that and I asked some of my co DT members if it came up for them (it did not). Hopefully you are no longer getting that when you try to comment as I too hate those picture verifications and hoping it was just a glitch of some sort!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Ellibelle's Corner

My name is Erika. said...

I like these postcards. I have those Michelle Ward turret stamps also. They look great in those colors. And that castle in the cloud is super and the lyrics from the song by that name is perfect for AJJ. I like those clouds, and it is a great song too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

bockel24 said...

Oh, Scrollswork! Thanks for reminding me of these great stamps, I also have a collection of them that I love. So sad that they don´t exist any more.

Deann said...

Bright and beautiful work, and a fun challenge, Thanks.

Valerie-Jael said...

Fabulous creations, and Joni Mitchell is now singing in my head, nice! Thanks for linking to our challenge at AJJ, hugs, Valerie

Makira said...

This is fantastic! When I first saw it, I was reminded of *Castle in the Sky* by Hayao Miyazaki from Studio Ghibli. I adore Studio Ghibli, and you chose the perfect sentiment for the inside of the card. Have a great Sunday! Thank you for playing with us at Park Hopping My Happy Place.🎨🎢✨ Cheers, Makira

Alyson Mayo said...

Ok - that title made me laugh out loud - great idea with the castles!

Rika said...

these are both fabulous!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Absolutely marvellous in every way, love the stamps, the verse, the clouds, OK! Everything. Keep well x

Chrissy said...

Your floating magical castle is fabulous Aimeslee and your row of castles with beautiful bright colours on the post card it lovely..


Bonnie Lynn said...

Aimes, both of your postcard castles are fabulous but the second is my fav. It's been years since I've done any postcard art.

Leanne said...

Such a great card, love the color and the image is great, awesome verse too, thank you for playing our "Clean and Simple" challenge at Krafty Chicks Challenge. Have a great day!

Leanne DT Member/KCC

Kate said...

Such wonderfully bright and colourful cards!! Both Sides Now is one of my all-time favourite songs. I love the result of your inspiration!!

I'm so pleased you added a few creations at Little Red Wagon for our "Let's Get Rocked" challenge this week! It seems we've got very similar taste in music as I love all three songs you've used!

Small Bits of Paper

Anita said...

Love the art in both 4x6 pieces, Aimeslee! Like Makira, I was reminded of 'Castle in the Sky' when I saw the second piece. Love those fluffy clouds, and your coloring is, as always, just awesome! :-) Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week. xo

Anita said...

Love the art in both 4x6 pieces, Aimeslee! Like Makira, I was reminded of 'Castle in the Sky' when I saw the second piece. Love those fluffy clouds, and your coloring is, as always, just awesome! :-) Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week. xo

peggy gatto said...

A very regal and royal castle!!

Lisa said...

Love the stunning imagery on these cards. Great coloring.

Kym Decker said...

Love you castles Christine! All of your artwork is so amazing! So colorful and so much detail! Lovely work!

Andree said...

Really sweet postcard art. The castle stamp is wonderful and you've used a fabulous technique to place it in the lovely clouds.
Thank you for joining in with our May challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. Good luck! x