
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Soccer Ball Birthday

 Hey there. Hope all is well with you.
We had another afternoon storm today. This one was a constant lightning and thunder show for a good 45 minutes. Kinda crazy. Constant thunder and a few really close lightning strikes and moving from northeast to southwest (which is rare for us, most of our weather comes from the west or south). On the good side, we had only one power blip for like 10 seconds and this time we had all our stuff off/unplugged. I was finally reminded that it was exactly 50 years ago this week when I flooded out my beloved first car, a VW Bug, in a torrential rainstorm. Ironically, Honey flooded his MGB out in the same storm. So we Googled our zip code + average wettest month and guess what? It's June. 😮
I'm currently working on DT stuff but wanted to pop in and share this pretty simple birthday card I made last week in record time (for me), honestly because I completely forgot I needed to make something for my great-nephew who is turning 2. (Note to File: when I have two names written on the same day on my calendar, don't *see* only the top one.) Years ago, I had 4 Accucut sports ball dies that my mother had been given by a teacher friend at school who quilted and was downsizing for retirement. So, Mom gave them to me. I die cut several balls and over the years have used them all except for a couple of the soccer ball die cuts. I have 6 nephews, 4 nieces and a daughter, yet none of them ever played soccer. Anyway, as I was frantically trying to come up with a birthday card for a 2-year-old boy, I realized I could use a soccer ball and it didn't matter if he played or not, he'll point at it and say "Ball!". And that is success in my book, because kicking a big ball around in the grass is fun and a good old outdoor yard pastime, especially in the Summer during school vacation.
So, I created this card using 3 die cuts and an MFT stamped sentiment, all of which I had in my bits and bobs box. I've explained the soccer ball die cut. The grass was cut using another very old die, a QK 12-inch long Cookie Cutter scrapbooking border. That explains the huge grass, but it does match the ball size well, now doesn't it? Ha! 
And the third die cut is a Papertrey Ink Hexagon cover plate die. 
So, crisis averted and his card got off in the mail on time. 
All our old stuff is just sitting around waiting on us to use it. 
Have a great night and thanks for the visit!

I have multiple patterns on this card: the patterned paper grass die, the hexagon background and the soccer ball's pattern. All together it sends a positive and fun visual message to a 2-year-old boy who loves to play.


brenda said...

A really great card, thanks so much for joining us at Allsorts and using the dies option.

B x

Chris said...

It may be a simple idea but it's so effective and I'm sure the little lad will love it- I do! Thanks for sharing at Crafty Calendar this month.

ScrappyHorses said...

So many great patterns and so much fun for that special little guy! Thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi dear Aimeslee!All little boys like kicking balls! The card is lovely. Your weather sounds rather bad just now. Here its wet and windy but that's okay. Hope you are keeping well, hugs, Valerie

Bethie said...

Such a cute card. Very clever putting a soccer ball together.

Sue said...

Fantastic card for your great nephew! thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create hugs x

crafty-stamper said...

We have not had a good thunderstorm for years-plenty of rain though!June the height of our Summer and actually had the heating on for a while yesterday!!! Fabulous football card and yes the grass is a perfect size to the ball.Our youngest started playing football at 2yrs old and now he is 8yrs he plays for an academy and doing brilliantly -so hope your football card works and inspires your Great-Nephew
Carol x
Thank you for joining us at Pearly Sparkles
Birthstone challenges
Carol DT x

dj said...

Your soccer ball hiding in the grass is perfection!! Thanks for playing along with our "lots of layers" challenge over at Cardz 4 Guyz...your nailed both the masculine theme and the lots of layers element with your sporty dies!!
- Deb Horst, DT #C4G323

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

I LOVE the soccer ball in the grass, any boy, as you say, would see a ball. Another Super card and disaster averted with this great card Aimes.
Faith x

Pamela said...

what a lucky little boy to receive this wonderful soccer ball, lots of layers so much fun! thank you for joining us at C4Guyz

Em Louise Fairley said...

Aimeslee, this is simply sweet. Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. I hope we see you on the front porch again soon!

Hugs, Em
613 Avenue Create DT
Creative Em my blog

Mervi said...

Fabulous card!
Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

Julia Aston said...

Love your creation story Aimeslee! - the 2 year old will certainly love this "ball" card! so very clever having it sit in the tall grass! thanks for sharing with us at Inkspirational: seasonal Julia xx

Lynda said...

What a great card - so colourful for a 2 year old. That grass is certainly the right size for the football - and the honeycomb background could be the net in goal.... Thank you for joining us at Happy Little Stampers atg birthday challenge xx Lynda/Loopyloo DT

Anonymous said...

Great guy card! Thank you for joining us at C4G this round. Cheers, Jolanda - DT

Pia S said...

Big ball requires big grass. I love the size of this, taking up the whole card front. Fun! Thanks for joining our challenge at Try it on Tuesday.

Darlene said...

LOVE how you positioned that soccer ball in the grass! Very clever design! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Four Seasons Challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back again soon.


More challenge fun beginning July 7th … check it out … SIMPLY CLEAN & SIMPLE

ahlers5 said...

Wonderful card for a little guy!

Bonnie Lynn said...

I love it!! Wow! That soccer ball/grass looks great. I like the wire background. It's perfect for the soccer net. Both of my kids played soccer when they were younger. We had some of your thunderstorms here today which was so welcome from the heat. Have a great weekend my friend.

Joan said...

Great card, any two year old will love that ball

Thanks for joining us at Try It On Tuesday challenge

craftytrog said...

A great card for a little one! x

Tone K. said...

So cool card! :)
Thanks a lot for joining us at Creatalicious! :)

Carole J said...

A brilliant card for your 2 year old nephew, Amy and some great patterns in the design. Thank you so much for joining the Path of Positivity challenge with you project. We hope you will visit us again soon.

Carole DT x

Helen said...

A great card - I'm sure it will be appreciated.

Thanks for joining us at Aud Sentiments.

Helen x

foleysfriend said...

Great job of pulling together this great birthday card for a young toddler. It's amazing what one finds in their "bits and bobs" box - my issue that that I don't have all my bits and bobs in one place! Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers ~ Birthday Challenge. Apologies for the late comment.

sue n.