Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8th Weekly Post

 Happy Sunday!
How did your week go?
We are having THE MOST GLORIOUS COOL FRONT right now!!
I'm enjoying it so much, even though we will get some portion of Tropical Storm Francine on Tuesday night through Wednesday, but we are on the GOOD side of it this time.
As as one local weather person said, we will see how well Centerpoint Energy's duct taping has held together. It was a joke but way too truthful.
For now, I'm sharing 3 projects I made earlier in the summer.
I have another art journal page to share for this month's Anything Goes theme I am guest hosting at Art Journal Journey. I've known about this since the beginning of this year, so I was able to make 5 pages ahead of time. And it must be good karma because I'm posting on Sundays now and there are 5 of them in September. A page a week works out perfectly as I still haven't made time for any crafting since Hurricane Beryl left. I did get lots done during the storm, though lol.
This page has gold acrylic paint, some torn flowery tissue paper, an arrow stencil applied with dark blue paint, some magenta paint applied with a round stencil brush, magazine clip art of a thoughtful woman that I fussy cut and kept on an inspiration board for YEARS, a light bulb stencil outlined with a yellow paint pen and the journaling is with very old 7G vellum alpha stickers I outlined the paint pen and a black roller ball pen.
Don't know if you even notice it, but I tried to mimic the colors and patterns of the clip art: the flowery tissue paper and flowers in her hair , the doilly stencil and the pattern on her hat, etc. And I love her serious thoughtful expression (like she's reading and thinking, WHOA!), because it's not easy to know yourself well. Seems like it would be, but how many of us really have no clue, lol. This phrase has been my personal mantra for most of my adult life after discovering it in a Greek/Roman philosophy class in college. I always say, I don't know much, but I do know myself finally. And discovering more every day. Somebody once said, YOU are the most fascinating person you will ever meet. I agree with that!
Here is the page when I began. Looks like I did some hidden journaling on the bare page, then gesso'd over that, then used the page to offload paint from a doilly stencil plus some titan buff and red paint from a paint brush or roller. Plus a little piece of washi tape on the outside edge of the page. 
And here are most of the supplies used, missing the alpha stickers, Posca yellow paint pen and my black roller ball pen. I'm so glad I bought a big bottle of the Golden's Quinachridone Gold a while back, as they no longer make it and it is a glorious yellow gold.
Okay next up is a birthday card made for a girlfriend.
I had this Jennifer Scraps Etsy moon and night sky clip art printed out so I found appropriate Altenew and Stamplorations sentiments to stamp, along with a Bazzill card stock base, mat scraps and star-embossed kraft card, and a sheet of Memorybox embossed designer paper. The clip art and mat were cut with a notched stitched square die and I also used a red glitter gel pen to doodle and embellish. I added some white punched stars from my stash to finish it.
Used this Splitcoaststampers sketch for my 6x6 layout design.
And last but not least, a New Year's card for my card stash. I always seem to need at least one.
I used a white card stock base and GenX designer paper, along with some white and dark blue-green card scraps, Gecko Galz collage sheet squares outlined with a dark blue Promarker, a Penny Black HNY sentiment die, MFT photo corner die and a Spellbinders postage die.
Used this Splitcoaststampers sketch in landscape orientation for my 6x8 layout design
Well, that's it from me for this week.
Those in the path of bad weather, stay safe and dry!
And thanks so much for visiting, have a great week ahead!


Alyson Mayo said...

Love all three of these. The colours in the birthday card are so intense! Your art journal posts continue to inspire me and you are 100% right - we as individuals are the most fascinating people :)

My name is Erika. said...

This month has worked out great for you since even Sept. 1 was a Sunday. I do like that lady.I wonder what she is thinking about as she is definition watching something going on. And from her expression she definitely has something in her mind. I love those colors. They are bright and Happy. Your cards are great too. I especially like that bright moon. I hope you don't get too much rain from Francine or pre-huricane Francine if she hadn't yet turned to a hurricane when she hits you. hugs-Erika

Anita said...

Love it when there's loads of time to prepare, and when you get the chance to use stuff from your stash--especially the really old stuff! There are so many times when I feel like I'm only adding to my stash without taking anything out. Maybe one day... :-)

Hope you enjoy the cool front!! xo

Neet said...

Love your theme at AJJ Aimslee and I love your work in this post. I do like the lady in pink, very striking and the cards are lovely too. Bet the recipients were happy to receive them.
Hugs, Neet xx

My name is Erika. said...

I thought I'd reply to a couple of items in your comments. First of all my fish. Being a biologist cleaning a fish isn't an issue. :) However, the state has some new rules that striped bass must be between only 28-31 inches to keep. And wouldn't you know my husband doesn't have a measure in his boat. Grin. At least one of them is about the right size, but I'm not risking a fine since fish and game hang out at the marina where the hubby keeps his boat. And I feel better letting them go to swim another day, so some other fishing person might catch them. And yes, they have been about half my size. It's even better since I've gotten 5 and the hubby only 1-big grin.

And yes, I fully agree. Weather prediction seems to have gotten worse lately. It's like the weather people don't want cranky phone calls and won't commit until the very very last minute. We don't get the hurricanes like you do but we get snowstorms, and it sure would be nice to know if it's going to be a foot or only an inch because that makes a big difference driving. Or if I ever go out. Thanks for all the blog visits. hugs-Erika

peppylady (Dora) said...

I have heard a lot of good about golden products.

tenchired said...

I admire you folks for your creativity. Cooking and sewing are my creative outlets.
It's cooler here in the mornings and nights in Chattanooga, TN. Hope Francine will not be a problem.
Have a good week!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

I always love seeing your creations Aimes, they are clever and thought provoking in many ways, LOVE the first lady and the colourful way you showed her off. The moon card is so bright and would make anyone "shoot for the moon" if it was all those colours. A New Year card? Yes, I agree, I always seem to need one too, a great card. As for knowing thyself? Mmmmmm?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your journal page is glorious. Like you, I love that gold and learned the hard way it had been discontinued. Great use of then stencils and a thought provoking sentiment. Thanks for sharing this with us using your theme at AJJ.

Bonnie Lynn said...

They're all fabulous Aimes. Your journal page is the most interesting. I love that lady you fussy cut and kept. I'm hoping Hurricane Francine stays away from you and CE's duct tape keeps the power on.

Lynette (NZ) said...

My favourite is the pink and yellow page - just gorgeous. We are in our first Spring month in NZ and am looking forward to more of these colours showing up.

Chrissy said...

Fabulous art journal page and love to see how the background evolved to such gorgeous bright colours..beautiful birthday card with the lovely skies and fun new year card, you have been busy..