Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15th Weekly Post

 Happy Sunday!
Hope you've had a good week and weekend.
Fortunately we were spared being hit by Hurricane Francine, all we got were outer rain bands.
Big sigh of relief, but not until she had actually passed by in the Gulf.
Prayers to Louisiana, Mississippi and everywhere she did hit.
I'll keep this post short because I'm not feeling well.
My Arthurs are acting up and I just feel blah, achy, painy, sleepy and not really into thinking straight, lol.
This is a scan of a mixed media art journal page I made in a new Ranger 6x6 canvas journal.
I made it during the hurricane in July.
Acrylic paint base/background, lots of collage, some washi tape, tissue paper and a doodle border.
Adding to the entries at Art Journal Journey's Anything Goes theme, which I'm hosting this month.
Come join us with an art journal page or spread.

Well, that does it for me today.
Hopefully I'll be more enthused and chipper next week!
Thanks for the visit and have a good week ahead.


My name is Erika. said...

Sorry to read you're under the weather. Those symptoms which just pop up when they feel like it are enough to drive anyone nuts. (you with your Arthurs and me with my hives). This is a fun page though. I like all the details, and the teddy bear boy. I think it's a good reminder that kids should be kids. And I like how you framed this piece in also with the black and the orange. Hope you feel better soon and that you have a great week. hugs-Erika

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your beautiful and colourful page! Hope you soon feel better, lol after yourself! Hugs!

Makira said...

🩷🩷🩷 these journal pages! Love all the fun layers and elements. Hope you feel better!!! xoxo Makira

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Sorry Arfur is visiting you again Aimes, I wonder why he doesn't take the hint, you don't want him there. As for your page, such fun, considering the stress you've had the last couple of months with hurricanes etc. Take care. hugs x

Alyson Mayo said...

Neat page with so many elements - you remind me that I need to get back to my art journal! Here’s hoping for pain free days :)