
Monday, July 8, 2024

UPDATE: Hurricane Hell

 UPDATE AT 10 AM Monday:
We are in Hurricane Hell. The wind gusts are crazy (85mph clocked once). Part of our back fence blew down and now the entire side fence slat by slat, heavy deck cabinets moved 15 feet away from the wall outside with pottery inside crashing and breaking, trees down, power out in neighborhood and 1.2 million in Houston area without power (generator is ON for us and working like a charm, which is why I can update). 
It began gusting hard and raining hard at 4 am, got really bad at 6 am and still going strong even though the winds changed direction a few minutes lulls at all. With every gust, I think this is the big one. I did get 8 hours of sleep or else I'd go back to bed. Knock wood, our little house is solid and taking it like a champ. Probably another 2-3 hours of this, they say.
Dear Lord, give me strength, the rain has lessened but the wind gusts just won't quit!


*Vicki* said...

I'm so very sorry to hear you're having to endure this storm and for long. Sending lots of strength, hope and hugs your way my friend. Hang in there.

My name is Erika. said...

It sounds horrible. I hope by now things are settling down and you haven't had any more serious damage. Hoping the power comes back for everyone as Vicki said, Hang in there.

Seafield Jo said...

Oh Aimes! What a worrying time for you. I'm thinking of you and hoping it all settles down very, very, soon. Sending love. Jo xx

Carol said...

Oh, Aimes. How dreadful for you both. and of course for all the others suffering too. I know we moan about our weather but we should be grateful that we don't have hurricanes.

I am thinking of you and hoping life calms down and damage is limited.
Mega hugs

Valerie-Jael said...

So sorry, stay safe, sending hugs and prayers! Valerie

Pamela said...

Thinking of you all and hoping the damage isn't too bad. Stay safe - hugs.

Bonnie Lynn said...

Aimes, I'm praying for you and your family going thru this hurricane. I had hoped you wouldn't be in that things path. Stay safe please.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! Sounds like there will be a lot of clearing up Aimes. I hope it's not too much damage when this is all over. You're lucky to have a generator to keep things going. Keep safe. Prayers for your safety. x

Jocelyn said...

I hope you are ok, stay safe xx

Anita said...

Woah, that sounds like Nature's throwing a huge tantrum! Wishing you and your dear ones well--hope you get through it fine. Hugs, Anita

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the havoc the hurricane is wreaking! It sounds incredibly intense with the wind gusts and damage. I'm relieved to hear your generator is working well, providing some comfort during this challenging time. Stay safe and strong through the rest of the storm—you're in my thoughts!

Valerie-Jael said...

It sounds awsful. Stay safe, dear friend, my God watch over you! Hugs, Valerie

ahlers5 said...

Oh no, so sorry you had to endure such a bad storm. I imagine you might not have power yet ot internet. Im praying that your family made it through okay.

Anita said...

Hope things are okay there, Aimeslee! It feels like ages since your last update...

Sim said...

Mother Nature is doing anything and everything on the planet at the moment. I hope that since this big ordeal calm has returned to your part of the world. Thank you for this wonderful challenge on Sunday Postcard Art, which I really enjoyed taking part in. Your words on deep beauty are magnificent and so is your image!