
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Need and Struggle

As promised, here is the journal page I described yesterday:

*Need and Struggle* gluebook journal page
I really liked how it came out. I have apparently drifted away from vintage collage, haven't I? I'm so unpredictable with that, though, I may be back at it next week. Just enjoying that I am coming up with pages, just being grateful for that. It is nice.

I wrote a post over on my Antics and Rantics blog that involved William James, the author of the quote I used. I'm a fan of his. (Is calling myself that allowed if the guy's been dead for over a century?) I'm a fan of his whole family. They were a strange but brilliant bunch.

I like this quote because we always think of needs and struggles as such undesirable things (myself included, especially when I cannot have what I am needing or struggling to have), when they really are what makes us all tick. How pragmatically annoying, eh?