Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Teal for Tuesday

What I wore today...
Januarys and Februarys down here on the upper Texas coast are usually all we know of a winter. It's ridiculously humid and each cold front is ushered in by a rain event. I kid you not: every transplanted Northerner I've ever asked agrees that it can be as cold or colder as up in Pittsburgh, New York or Chicago (never asked a Minnesotan and I wouldn't push it that far, lol). The humidity makes the cold truly bone-chilling, even if the temp only goes down to the 40's. Last night the low 50's felt positively frigidaire.

So I've had a collection of plaid flannel pants for several years now that only get worn this time of year. They are thick and scratchy flannel, like soft burlap, really. If it's not really cold, it's not a good feel at all. But when it is, they are a welcome protection.

The colors of my plaid pants are: black and white, dark red and light pink, and teal and brown (the ones I wore today).

The chenille zip-up sweater I wore today matches my teal and brown plaid pants perfectly. It too only gets worn this time of year. Underneath it, I usually wear a spaghetti-strap spandex chemise t-shirt top that's a light teal. It has a Miami Beach logo with a green palm tree on it. That usually doesn't show, but I know it's there and thinks it's a fun irony. Now, not being thin I wouldn't be caught dead in public in this t-shirt by itself, but under my sweater it's a nice layer and if I get a little too warm I can unzip my sweater without revealing my bra brand, if you get my drift.

I've really been making an effort to be more coordinated with what I wear, to wear my nicer clothes more, and to even include some makeup and jewelry when time allows. It's a cheap trick to feel good, but I'll take it. winkwink