
Thursday, July 9, 2009

more calendars

Hi. How are you? I'm crappy but not when I'm creating, so I've been immersing myself as much as possible. How about I catch up on showing you more calendar pages?

First up from where we last visited my altered calendar: June. This is probably my favorite one so far and the colors are 90% of it. Something about blue and green (and a purpley blue at that).

I decided to leave the book die blank as to text and just drew in the shape details. I used some KI Memories tags because they looked like beach towels.

Next up: July's page. I am at the point of mixing rubons and sticker numbers just to use them up.

I made a central cluster out of the elements I stash-bashed.

Yep, still doing that...until the day I die and I still won't be out of stuff. Sigh.

And finally, August. I liked how the line of swimming kids turned out.

This is as far as I have gotten.

I hope to find more time soon to work further on the remaining months of 2009.

Until next time,


Vickie A-Morgan said...

Love your calendar pages. They look so professional. Do you start from scratch or is that a pre-printed blank calendar?

Teresa aka Tess said...

Wow, these are awesome. I love how coloful they are and the different sizes on numbers and font. The background of the August page is...ummmm. delicious comes to mind. Made me think of eating watermelon and cantoploe on hot summer days for some reason. I wondered too about the starting from scrap, altering or is it a blank calendar?

Timaree said...

Your calendar pages are super. They look like fun and something you'd enjoy looking at every day for the month.

Brenda said...

I really do love your calendar pages.

Lida said...

Love your calendars, you are so come I can´t collage and do stuff like that, the julay page was my favorite, so cute and colorful!