Monday, May 13, 2024

Art Journal Page Makeover

 Happy Monday!
Hope everyone is ready for a new week.
I'm writing this as some scary weather descends upon my area (high winds, thunderstorms and possible hail and tornados). 
It is so dark here at 3 pm with pounding rain as I'm writing this that my porch lights have come on.
If I lose internet, I may have to finish up later.
There's always something, isn't there?

I have another abstract art journal page to share.
The theme at Art Journal Journey this month is Poems.

I wrote a Haiku (a 3-line (usually non-rhyming) poem with 5/7/5 syllable lines).
I thought of the Haiku when I was looking at the original page, wondering what to do to it.

And this is a makeover of the original page, which was a online lesson in watercolor circle brush stroking that I sucked at, lol.
I'm showing the before and the after above so you can see.
The original was created using watercolors.
I added color to the background with Golden Hansa Yellow Medium acrylic paint.
I outlined the circles and 'threads' with Posca paint pens/markers.
Then I looked at my bits and bobs and saw a bunch of black stars previously cut with a Sizzix die that has various sizes of stars, so I added some of them to the background.
Finally, I composed the Haiku in PSE, printed out and cut it out with a Lawn Fawn banner flag die.
Definitely an improvement in my opinion, and the Haiku gives it some meaning, so I'm happy with it.

Since the weather is bad, I'll cut this short.
Thanks for visiting and hoping you are having better weather than we are!

New Golden paints
Always bold colors are my favorite because Color Is My Art Oxygen and the bolder the better!


Valerie-Jael said...

I love your page and the poem is beautiful, you really wrore a lovey Haiku, well done. Thanks for linking to our theme AT AJJ, hugs, Valerie

Chrissy said...

Fabulous page Aimslee, I do like the update with the bold pretty colours in the background..


My name is Erika. said...

I can just picture that storm and the darkness. I can hear the rain too. You wrote quite a nice haiku. I like it, and it does work with your page. And yes, time to paint the porch floor again. Last year I bought flat paint instead of semi-glass and it just didn't hold up. The painting isn't the worst part, it's moving the furniture and "things" around that is the worst for me. Then waiting for the paint to dry...and waiting for my husband to be around and help me move the furniture back so it doesn't scratch up the newly painted floor. :) Thanks so much for joining us at AJJ with your poem. I hope your weather clears up too. hugs-Erika

Chrissy said...

I have an outlet at my Sons mechanic garage and avery good daughter in law at reception, no one leaves without a purchase. ha ha ha..I have a stand in my lounge and people look an order stuff from there, every now and then ( twice a year ) we go to the markets and sell dirt cheap, they buy if its cheap..or bag them up bundle 10 for 5 buks, its cash in my pocket and enough to buy more stuff..I can afford the postage from Amazon, I used to, but now it is so very high.
keep crafting and have a sale at the letter box...


Brenda said...

I pray you made it through unscathed, Aimeslee. I live in Houston over 20 years and remember those storms too well. One of my besties lives near Sugarland and she made it through fine. I love your journal page and that haiku is very thoughtful. Thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Little Red Wagon Challenge this week!

Brenda said...

What a wonderful card. I love the bold colors you have chosen. Thanks so much for joining us over at As You Like It Challenge!

Pat said...

The Haiku works well with your page and the weather conditions too Aimeslee, and love the way you changed it with that pretty orangy yellow background and the stars. x

theras kartenblog said...

That´s a beautiful, colourful project.
Thank you for your entry at Nachteulen Challenge.
Happy crafting!
Ilse (thera)

craftytrog said...

A beautiful page and a lovely Haiku x

Card Creator said...

Thank you for sharing this with us at 613 Avenue

Anita said...

Love the haiku, Aimeslee--you're multi-talented! :-) That's a cheerful makeover that you did for your page with all the yellow. The completed page actually reminds me of solar system models, with the stars being a bonus. :-) Thank you so much for sharing this page on our 'Anything Mixed Media Goes' challenge at Creative Artiste! xo

*Vicki* said...

Wow, I really love the bright colors on your page along with those string of circles among the stars! What a fantastic poem to go with it too! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Mix It Up Challenge!

Lisa said...

I love the changes, love the bright colors, love the whimsical imagery. Really gorgeous.