Sunday, January 23, 2011

Funny thing happened...

...on the way to today. I get an online blogging friend's posts via email and so I have not actually surfed to her website in awhile even though I read every post. And I had been confused by something she was posting, a challenge to capture in photos your one little word for 2011 week by week.

Photography's not my thing -- I get the job done, barely -- so I admit not paying much attention, other than admiring the photos she posts.

I had even ended up at a mutual friend's blog right before hers and been plumb confused as to why the little captured logo was on her sidebar. I finally concluded it was over my head, lol.

Well, one thing led to another today, and I ended up over at her blog, whereupon, as they say in church, I saw the light. Jill's hosting the challenge, hello! Anyway, I read the rules and darned if I haven't been complying since the very beginning, except that I didn't know it. So, that's corrected now and I've joined it now. Man, I can be pretty dense sometimes!

Go read the rules by clicking on the link above and see if it's something you want to do, too. It's very low key and undemanding, really. And as I interpret it, the basic logic is that if you have to take photos at least weekly of you actuating {{ie, doing}} the meaning of your word, then you will be meeting the goal of having the word in the first place.

Gee, how can one lose? Seems pretty fosho to me, so I'm in. This year the word that I feel chose me is an fit for this kind of exercise. All I have to do is find time to PLAY. Tough assignment, right? winkwink

As if my subconscious knew all about this, I've actually been showing playful shots all this year, so I don't feel like I have to catch up of anything. I'm just going to join the challenge in progress, which is Week 4 and was posted yesterday. And, I am completely mystified by the link posting explanation (my meds), so I'm going to just email Jill and ask for help.

Therefore, without further ado, here's my play of the week captured: my winter clothes one cold day this week:

I made a very quick little collage out of 3 shots, then applied a texture effect that reminds me of material. Not only am I playing more with matching my clothes and wearing a bigger variety of them, I'm also playing with my photos. And enjoying both.

***Edited to add: And this is my 200th post, yay! (Thanks, Jo, for pointing this out to me....winkwink).